Resources for Primary Care Practices

Videos and Podcasts

Training materials with current information on alcohol and health, approaches to screening and brief counseling interventions for unhealthy alcohol use, and medications for treating alcohol use disorders.

Patient and Provider Pamphlets

Digital files of our paper pamphlets with guidance for people about reducing unhealthy alcohol use and for primary care providers offering brief counseling interventions for unhealthy alcohol use. Click on links below to download.


Alcohol and Your Health

Photo: Close up of three smiling middle-aged people
Photo: close up of doctor talking to patient
Stop Unhealthy Alcohol Use Now


Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol Use

The 5 A's Approach to Reducing Alcohol use

  • Assess current drinking behaviours
  • Advise on alcohol use
  • Assist in exploring reasons for change
  • Agree on options for risk reduction
  • Arrange follow up
Man’s hand covering top of glass containing liquer and ice cubes.
Stop Unhealthy Alcohol Use Now

Quick Links


Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test

Introduction to STUN

Slide presentation for newly enrollled practices

In the News

Unhealthy alcohol use in the popular press and journal articles

Billing & Reimbursement

Approved billing codes and quality measures

Time & Workflow

What your practice can expect when implementing these services

Electronic Health Records

Using Epic tools in screening and assessment

Rethinking Drinking

Interactive website on Alcohol & Your Health, from the National Institutes of Health

Alcohol/Medication Interactions

Potential harms of mixing medications and alcohol

Medications for Alcohol Disorders FAQ

Overview of Medications Used in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder and Frequently Asked Questions

Referral Resources by Region

These guides compile various referral resources available to providers and patients to assist with management of Alcohol Use Disorder, based on geographic location and types of services needed. Download PDFs by clicking on map region or on region names to the right.

Asheville Greensboro Winston Salem Charlotte Raleigh Fayetteville Greenville Rocky Mount Wilmington